D | E  

Mumbai, Bandra Shrine at the Carter Road

Scene 5: Hektor Maille finds Sesame

Sesamum indicum is one of the 20 ingredients of Maille-Masala, the hot spice blend of «Mission Kaki». Each ingredient that Hektor Maille finds during his research in India is reminiscent of a particular scene from the 20 different episodes of the travel adventure «Mission Kaki». Sesame refers to: Scene 11 in Episode 7 («In a Fever Through the Emirates»).

One Day in the Life of Odette Sissay

14.40: Port-Louis, Rue de Prague, Secret Service Headquarters

«In a couple of days it will be my birthday», said Odette, sitting down on Marie's chair, stretching her legs out on the desk and shaking off her sandals, which fell to the floor with a soft thud. «Guess how old I will be.» Marie gazed at Odette's feet. When she noticed the silver ring on her toe, her eyes suddenly gleamed with joy and came together in catlike fashion, while her cheeks took on a rosy hue. The fact that Odette was wearing her ring was almost like a kiss and made her feel markedly better.
«I know exactly how old you are. 33», Marie answered confidently and positioned herself so close to the desk that Odette could have touched her crotch by simply twitching her toes.
«33? How did you arrive at that figure?».
«You told me that yourself.»
«I? Nyet, I've never mentioned my age to you.».
«But it's correct, isn't it?»
«It's true only in your beautiful fantasy. Actually, I'll be 44», quipped Odette, stretching her head so far back that the veins in her throat stood out. Marie loved those blueish arabesques on her friend's throat. For sure, she loved veins, maybe even mor than than the muscles, on which they often sat – indeed she sometimes asked herself whether veins weren't the essence of all muscles.
«44? That's not true», said Marie, moving closer to Odette's feet:
«But you know, even if you were 111 years old, I would still…»
«I know», replied Odette, stretching out her big toe.