D | E  

Mumbai, Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST, former Victoria Terminus)

Scene 2: Hektor Maille finds Cumin

Cuminum cyminum is one of the 20 ingredients of Maille-Masala, the hot spice blend of «Mission Kaki». Each ingredient that Hektor Maille finds during his research in India is reminiscent of a particular scene from the 20 different episodes of the travel adventure «Mission Kaki». Cumin refers to: Scene 2 in Episode 17 («Wordy Wild West»).

One Day in the Life of Odette Sissay

14.25: Port-Louis, Rue de Prague, Secret Service Headquarters

The great advantage of the letter «O» is that it can be read as easily (as when one is) on the head as (when one is) on the feet – and this naturally has also to do with the fact, that, strictly speeking, it has neither top nor tail. The «O» shares this unbeatable advantage, when we consider capitalised letters, with only three other alphabets: the «H», the «X» and the «I». Those who wish to give a thing a name that allows itself to be easily read when all else reads like gobbledigook, will do best with these four letters. When one arranges letters in such a fashion that they construct a palindrom, then one gets names that one can shoot all over the cosmos – without endangering their order: OXO, IOI or OHO, an XIX or XOX, a HIXIH, IOXOI or IXOHOXI allow themselves to be read in any manner – whether backwards or forwards, up or down, their order is undisturbed. The exclusive character of the letter «O» is all the more evident when we consider the use of non-capitalised letters; its only competitor is the «x». Small wonder then that an «x» in an «o» is predominantly a portrayal of choice, a sign of decision.