D | E  
Ein Mann mit Hut trinkt mit Hilfe eine Halms aus einer Kokosnuss.

Riel Raider - the Game

Agent Aral, the V-man of the Lemusan Secret Service in the troupes of Dr Hing, has hidden a message for Hektor Maille at a specific point in Angkor – on a 100-riel note. Maille needs to find this banknote in order to move forward in his search for the missing professor. Unfortunately while transmitting the coordinates got damaged. So, there are now 24 possibilities about where the banknote could be hidden: some traces lead the agent astray or down the path of temptation, others bring him into danger – only one helps him on. But which one is it? Choose the matching scene on the right side and get back Maille on his mission.