D | E  

Moscow, Winzawod

Scene 11

Anna Schukowa strode with decisive steps across the district of Winzawod. Her gait was rhythmic, as though she was listening to march music or to a waltz as she walked . A «Ballad in Moscow», thought Maille with an involuntary grin – what a beautiful title for a slushy song. She passed by an old production house and a long passage which smelled of fresh spray paint. Then she went through a gate and crossed the local parking plot and entered the main street – at which point she suddenly swung around to look at Maille and began to berate him off for trailing her. So much for the theme of discreet pursuit, thought Maille, as he walked towards her, looking rather red in the face.
«Anna Schukowa?»
«What do you want from me?»
«Does the name Jenadi Koslow mean anything to you?»
«He was kidnapped a few weeks ago, and we would like to knwo precisely why.» Maille handed his calling card to her and beckoned his taxi.

In the car he explained to her the circumstances of the professor's kidnapping, as much as he had been told about by the department or had gleaned on his own subsequently, taking care to omit the part about the subsequent threats from Dr Hing.